WINNT32.EXE, Myofascial_Pain_and_Dysfunction
Ex: winnt32 /debug:4:setup.log/m:Specifies an alternate location for setup installation files that will be used instead of files in the default location. When this option is not specified, Setup creates a log file with a warning level of 2 (that is, all errors of level 2 or lower are written to the log). The computer cannot be running Windows95, Windows98, or WindowsMillenniumEdition. /duprepare:pathname: Carries out preparations on an installation share so that it can be used with Dynamic Update files that you downloaded from the Windows Update Web site. The UDB file (*.udb) contains unique values for each identifier.
littlebluerobot Thread Starter Joined: Jan 2, 2011 Messages: 3 I really need some advice/help/magic here. Ex: winnt32 /unattend:unattend.txt and winnt32 /unattend ConclusionsSure, you can simply run setup.exe in the root of the Windows 2000 CD-ROM, but there are a lot of advanced options you can explore by checking out the command line parameters for winnt.exe and winnt32.exe. Parted Magic disk partitoning tool (Bootable CD image) If you prefer a bootable USB key, download and run Linux Live USB Creator. /syspart:DriveLetter: On an x86-based computer, specifies that you can copy Setup startup files to a hard disk, mark the disk as active, and then install the disk into another computer. Then you could type /copysource:Privatedrivers to have Setup copy that folder to your newly installed computer and use its files during Setup, making the temporary folder location systemrootPrivatedrivers. /e:Allows you to specify a set of commands that will execute when the GUI portion of Setup is complete. This thread has been Locked and is not open to further replies. /noreboot: Instructs Setup to not restart the computer after the file copy phase of Setup is completed so that you can run another command.
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